Where ecologymeets economy


Getting green can sometimes seem like a daunting task when first delving into sustainability. The endless possibilities can feel overwhelming and the vast amount of information confusing. Whether you need a little or lots of help,  as your sustainability partner The Green World Company will provide guidance troughout your journey of going green.


With such a wide variety of options at hand, many roofs remain underused when it comes to solar panels. We have a great offer for entrepreneurs eager to turn their (asbestos) roof into a source of energy.

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Do you have a challenge beyond the beaten track? Thanks to our advanced models and analytical experts, we offer tailor-made solutions for every business case.

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Do you have a challenge beyond the beaten track? Thanks to our advanced models and analytical experts, we offer tailor-made solutions for every business case.

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Realization of a unique solar park on Saba, providing the entire island with energy by sun and batteries during the day. The Green World Company acted as a technical advisor to the Saba Electric Company NV.

On Saba, a special municipality of the Netherlands in the Caribbean, a solar project with electricity storage has been realized in cooperation with our client. For the first time in history, the island is no longer dependent on diesel generators during the day and runs completely on the power of the sun and batteries.


The total energy demand is provided by a 2.1 MW solar PV installation, combined with a ramp-up battery system and a 2.6 MW Battery Energy Storage System. A custom-built system with some special island-specific requirements: exposure to salty air, hurricanes, a rapidly changing cloud cover and an extremely steep slope made this a job of some magnitude in every sense of the word.

  • Project location: Saba (Caribbean Netherlands)
  • Client: Saba Electric Company BV
  • Commissioning: Phase 1 – 2018 | Phase 2 – 2020
  • Installed PV power: 2.1 MWp
  • Storage capacity: 2.6 MW
  • Annual energy yield: 3.465 MWh
  • Annual diesel savings:> 880,000 liter